Administrative Systems

What We Do

We provide support for enterprise applications across many areas:

  • Academic Records
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Admissions
  • Advancement
  • Campus Safety
  • Financial Records
  • Human Resources
  • Student Financial Services
  • Student Life
  • Others

Our services center around Ellucian Banner®:

  • Support administrative departments and their utilization of Banner
  • Develop custom reports and applications as needed
  • Integrate Banner with third party applications
  • Maintain access security
  • Ensure applications are up-to-date

We also support most of the other enterprise applications used on campus.

Click here for access links to various Enterprise Applications, including Banner, Degree Works, Recruiter, and many more.

  • iVue privileges are granted by role. Department chairs, deans and administrators have special privilege that is granted by their appointment as entered by Human Resources upon receipt of the Recommendation for Appointment Form (RAF) - Section C. Instructors have privileges appropriate to their teaching role that is granted automatically when they are listed as the instructor for a course as entered by the registrar.
  • An employee can be granted the above "roles" as a "proxy". The instructor or administrator must login to iVue and use the "Designate Proxies" button to grant the desired roles.
  • For access to Administrative Banner or redwood please use the Administrative Computing Request Form (ACR Form).  The person needing access should fill part A and B and scan/photo that page and forward it on to their department head.   They can use the Electronic Signature link instead of signing the form if they wish.  This removes the need for them to scan the form after physicaly signing the form.  The department head needs to fill out part C and forward scanned parts A-C to the product data stewards for their authorization.  The department head can skip the signature if they email the form directly to the data steward from thier email account. The data stewards will forward parts A-C to the database administrator ( with their corrections or approval.  You can contact the data stewards or the database administrator for what classes or objects you may need if the department head does not already know what to request. 
    The data stewards for the following products are as follow:
    • Student or Redwood Menu: Don Robinson (
    • Accounts Receivable or Financial Aid: Elynda Bedney (
    • Finance: Sharyl Turon (
    • Human Resources: Beverly Brown (
    • Alumni: Raelene Brower (
    • Development: Hayden Baldwin (
  • Access to shared drive resource requests should be directed to Client Services—see link at top.
  • Email listserve requests should be directed here.

Banner Support

For issues and requests related to Banner, please submit a HelpDesk ticket here.

If the situation is urgent, please submit the ticket and also contact, via Teams or email, the appropriate Banner+ Support Specialist.

For additional Banner resources, click here.

Support for Other Enterprise Applications

For issues and requests related to other enterprise applications, please submit a HelpDesk ticket here.

Related Resources

Enterprise Applications
Applications designed to integrate systems that run all phases of an enterprise’s operations

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
A software system that helps organizations automate and manage core business processes for optimal performance. ERP software  coordinates the flow of data between a company’s business processes, providing a single source of truth and streamlining operations across the enterprise.

Relational Database
A collection of information where data is stored with predefined relationships

Software as a Service (SaaS)
A cloud-based software delivery model that allows end users to access software applications over the internet